The Trees
Narrated by Chilot Amara
Once all the trees in the world gathered together and started discussing their problems.
Among them one said, “Our biggest problem is deforestation. And this practice is always carried out by the so-called axe. Now we must look for a way to get rid of our enemy, the axe.”
And many debated this idea, saying, “It is the axe who always causes us to suffer so much. It cuts us, prepares us for fire and makes furniture…..what not. And we have to do something to get rid of this enemy.”
A eucalyptusThe eucalyptus tree was introduced to Ethiopia from Australia at the end of the nineteenth century. Its quick growth, and suitability for firewood and building material meant it spread through much of Ethiopia. tree raised its hand and said, “I don’t think our enemy is really the axe.”
Every other tree shouted, “Oh! Oh! What do you mean? If it’s not the axes, who is it?”
Finally the eucalyptus tree went on, “Look! I’m telling you from my heart, our enemy is not the axe. It’s us, ourselves. If we could grow straight without bending, every axe would lose a handle, so we could save ourselves from being cut.The axe used in Ethiopia is made from a piece of wood naturally bent over. The axe head is inserted into the shorter end of the wood.
So, from now on, we need to grow straight without bending, so that every axe will lose a handle.”
All the other trees clapped.
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