The Two Lovers
Narrated by Shimelash Bequele
There is one little story being told around Bahar Dar.
There were two lovers. These two lovers went to one of the monasteries in Lake TanaThe largest lake in Ethiopia and the source of the Blue Nile. It is located in north-west Ethiopia. . The name of the monastery is Dega Stephanos. They went to this monastery by a papyrus boat. A s they arrived at the monastery they left their boat at the edge of the water. And they started enjoying their love in the monastery.
In the meantime, their boat was driven away by a strong wind and people started to hunt for them, thinking that they were missing.
A lot has been said about their absence around the city. In the middle of the city, one person who knows much about them started looking for them. And he went to the same monastery in order to search for them. He saw their clothes from a distance and he got shocked. And he rushed up to them. As he arrived he found them sleeping together but dead.
As a result, that monastery is now named “The Edge of Love”.
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