Aleka Gebre Hanna and the Donkey Driver
Narrated by Yalemgeta Mamo
Once upon a time, there was a witty and wise man called Aleka Gebre Hanna. This person was famous in witty responses and insulting people.
One day, one donkey driver was passing by the gate of Aleke Gebre Hanna and as he passed he greeted Aleka by just nodding.
And Aleka replied, “How are you?” (in the plural formNormally, this is the polite form of address.)
As this donkey driver arrived somewhere, he was asked if he had met Aleka Gebre Hanna or not.
He said, “I have met him.”
They asked him, “How did he greet you? Didn’t he insult you?”
He said, “No, he didn’t. He only greeted me.”
“How did he greet you?”
“How are you?” (plural form)
“So he insulted you, because he considered you as a pompous ass.”
He was upset and he went back to Aleke Gebre Hanna and kicked him and left him on the street.
Some other person passing by said, “What happened to you?”
Aleka replied, “A donkey broke my leg and went away.”
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